There is exactly one example for the nRf52840 dk board in Drogue: A Bluetooth Mesh example
Setup Drogue-IoT / Drogue-Device
It is necessary to open multiple terminal windows to setup and run the example.
Setup the Example
Clone the drogue github repository and change to its directory:
git clone https://github.com/drogue-iot/drogue-device.git
cd drogue-device
To later be able to stop the bluetooth mesh process, do now:
sudo service bluetooth stop
sudo /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetooth-meshd -nd --debug
Next, we need a new terminal window as this one will stay busy. There we start the mesh network:
In case an error occurs about not finding the config_db.json
, run:
[mesh-cfgclient]# create
Now we created the mesh network to which we want to add the node running the drogue example.
In another new terminal window, change directory to the bluetooth mesh example:
cd <drogue-device-git>/examples/nrf52/nrf52840-dk/bt-mesh
To run the example without seeing the debug messages, do:
cargo run --release
The output should be: (HOST) INFO success!
USB Permissions
This might run into an error:
USB error while opening USB device: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
To read the USB permissions on Ubuntu 22.04 for the board, do:
This will output an id for the connected board which we will use in the next step:
lsusb -d <id for the board>
You will get the bus number and the device number here. To now read the permissions for the board using the acquired numbers, do:
ls -l /dev/bus/usb/<bus-nr>/<device-nr>
The output should look like: crw-rw-r-- 1 root root 189, 8 Jul 18 06:48
Now, to modify the USB permissions open the file /etc/udev/rules.d/50-oxidize-global.rules
and add the board:
# udev rules to allow access to USB devices as a non-root user
# nRF52840 Dongle in bootloader mode
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1915", ATTRS{idProduct}=="521f", TAG+="uaccess"
# nRF52840 Dongle applications
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2020", TAG+="uaccess"
# nRF52840 Development Kit
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
Then reload the permission rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
It might be interesting to read the permissions again at this time. This is then done by repeating the first steps. The output should be changed from:
crw-rw-w-- 1
to crw-rw-r--+ 1
Now, retry to run the example on the board:
cargo run --release
Run the Example
Go back to the terminal window running the mesh configuration client and do:
[mesh-cfgclient]# discover-unprovisioned on
This will scan for new devices and will generate output similar to:
Scan result:
rssi = -36
OOB = A040
To end the scanning and bind the discovered node to the mesh network, do:
[mesh-cfgclient]# discover unprovisioned off
[mesh-cfgclient]# provision SOMEINCREDIBLYLARGEHEXID
Which then generates the output:
Provisioning started
Assigning address for 1 elements
Provisioning done:
Mesh node:
primary = 00aa
You can now play with the given example or simply exit and end the client.
I didn't erase the board before staring the setup, so the nrf-softdevice already was on the chip.
Sources for Drogue.Device: